Holding compassionate space for you to witness, evaluate, & choose your Feedback Loop.

Your Feedback Loop is the patterning of input & output curating your field of consciousness. It is your unique data grid, influenced by past experiences & external factors, which creates a filter through which you perceive the world.

We are here to hold compassionate space, while offering specific tools designed to help you perceive your filter without judgment and objectively evaluate how your grid is operating. Together, we develop strategies for transmuting any discord into harmony and optimizing systems toward regenerative futures.

Whether you are responsible for leading a team of one or many…

Feedback Loop Coaching is devoted to supporting your desired flow of Energy.

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    Our style of coaching begins with Awareness.

    We are uniquely trained in holding space for another’s vulnerable psyche. We listen to understand where our clients are along their journeys, as well as to understand the stressors and blocks they are experiencing.

    We also have laser-sharp vision into the potential and greatness awaiting our clients on the other side of those blocks, so while we bring awareness to whichever Feedback Loop occupants are holding our clients back, we are also holding space for that spark of wisdom within to shine through.

    Because we are trained in hearing the four Inner Blocks that hold us back, we hear the specific stories and thought patterns upon which it’s time to shine the light of awarenesses.

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    As humans with beautiful and emotional hearts, attachment forms around our narratives and entanglements. It can be painful to clearly see and observe the patterns which no longer serve.

    We hold the space to remind our clients there is no right or wrong pattern. We all show up in the world the way we’ve been taught.

    We introduce tools, to identify the feelings and emotions that result from specific thought and stories.

    So our clients have the opportunity to evaluate from a safe and objective place, and discern which patterns serve, and which patterns are creating stress.

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    After painting a clear picture through awareness and evaluation, our clients are equipped with choice.

    Whether they choose to repeat or choose to change it up is completely up to them. We do not judge either way. We are simply here to offer choice and support them in next steps should they choose to create new patterns. New neural pathways. And over time, the new neural pathways become the autopilot.

    When enough of the Feedback Loops have experienced the alchemy of this process, the autopilot is set to serve and inspire.

    It is our goal to empower our clients with conscious and objective choice.

How We Can Help

We offer a number of different packages tailored to best suit our clients’s needs

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“I never put much stock into the concept of life coaching until I met this amazing goddess of infinite wisdom and knowledge. If you are a seeker of knowledge about both yourself and your purpose in the universe, I strongly suggest that you connect with the gifted guide to understanding and self-realization.”

~ Steve J.

ELI Assessment

The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment is the proprietary, research-backed assessment tool that takes something abstract, like the way a person views the world, and turns it into something tangible—a metric that you can see and feel and even reevaluate in the future. And, it’s only available through an iPEC Certified Coach.

The Energy Leadership™ Index assessment can be given at the start of a coaching relationship and as a regular follow up assessment to provide tangible, research-backed ROI data for any coaching engagement.

Step 1: The Assessment

As your Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioners (ELI-MP), we’ll connect you with the simple online assessment, which takes about 20 minutes to complete.

Step 2: The Debrief

Click here to learn more

Group Coaching

Group coaching offers a unique opportunity for each individual within the whole of the group to feel seen and heard, as well as to see and hear the other members within the group. With the help of Rachel and Chris, the group identifies shared goals and values that establish the foundation upon which the group may build.

Group may be defined as a family, a sports team, a circle of friends, a start-up or entrepreneurial team, a corporate team, teachers, or any organization looking to grow and develop together.

What to Expect

  • Weekly 1-hour Zoom sessions;

  • Google Doc or Trello Board Accountability;

  • Complimentary ELI Assessments & Debriefs for each member of the group;

  • Complimentary Art of Holding Space workshop;

  • 3-Month commitment required.

1 on 1 Coaching

Our style of coaching is based in trusting that our clients know deep down what is best for them. Listening to advice of friends or family hasn’t worked, perhaps therapy has grown repetitive, and they are ready to uncover their own wisdom and guidance to direct themselves. Throughout sessions, we ask powerful thought-provoking questions that not only challenge our clients to see things through different perspectives, but also help them to cultivate a sense of trust and connection with their intuition.

What to Expect

  • Weekly 1-hour sessions with Rachel or Chris, either on the phone or Zoom;

  • Unlimited email support between sessions;

  • Interactive Google doc with highlights from each session so clients may track their progress;

  • Special client discount on ELI Assessment & Debrief;

  • 3 or 6 Month commitment required.

Schedule time with us Today

A Complete System for Unlocking
Your Unlimited Potential

The Law of Being (LOB) is a complete self-mastery program for unlocking your true potential. It is a set of coaching tools that focuses on the “being” topics you, as the client, might bring to coaching session. This program focuses intensely on the WHO: on your belief systems about who you believe you are and what you believe about the world. 

The LOB program states: “Who you are being is based on your level of conscious awareness of who you really are.” This principle determines what and who you are going to attract and what type of life you will live.

Each person who participates in the Law of Being is unique, and the program is designed to meet you exactly where you are. Each person will experience this program differently

Learn more here

Law of Being Program

Corporate Wellness

A retreat-style event or series customized to suit the needs of the group. Both Rachel and Chris began their professional careers in Fortune 500 companies and have intimate understanding of the wellness needs of corporate groups. Their passion for cultivating Health & Wellness in corporate environments is born from their personal experiences and the talent they’e witnessed at such companies. Talent and potential is often blocked by stress, and through these Wellness offerings, we develop tools to mitigate stress so employees and executives may shine.

What to Expect

We understand the complexity of the mind, the intensity of the past, and we hold sacred the vulnerability and honesty required to become aware of our deeply engrained patterns and conditioning.


The most deeply engrained patterns are informed by neural pathways that have been firing in familiar directions since the day we were born. Pathways we’ve witnessed, and pathways that have been taught to us and instilled within us as normal.

Because to us they have been so normalized and affirmed by cultural norms, we might not even be aware of them. We might not be aware of the way our Feedback Loops create the realities and results we are seeing.

Meet Your Coaches

Christopher Peña

With an entrepreneur spirit and experience in Corporate, Non-Profit, and Community leadership. I am equipped with tools to help you excavate your infinite potential.

I graduated from Roger Williams University in 2013 with a degree in Management and Finance. Soon after graduation I began my corporate career at Target Corporation taking on two executive team leader positions between the years of 2013 and 2015. In 2016, I began to pursue wellness-oriented programs which includes the Integrative Wellness Academy, Ace Personal Training, Precision Nutrition, a 200 hr. RYT at MetroWest Yoga (RYS affiliated), the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program taught by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, & an Apprentice in the Immortal Arts Qi Gong community hosted by Master Jesse Lee Parker. I recently returned to my Leadership roots and attended an ICF Accredited coaching program at the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).

These programs helped me transform my life after breaking two bones in my lower back in 2015. This injury catalyzed change and created the opportunity for me to embody the teachings and education at a cellular level. The less stress I experience in life, the less pain I experience. Together, you and I, can uncover the formula that helps you to lower your stress levels and welcome in more compassion, peace, joy, & absolute passion.

Rachel Goldberg

As a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), Rachel integrates her devotion to energetic health with intuitive pattern recognition and iPEC coaching tools to facilitate attitudinal awareness for her clients. Creating a safe space for her clients to withdraw from external pressures and witness their patterns without judgment, Rachel’s coaching practice empowers her clients to radically accept what currently is, while making clear focused decisions for moving forward. Working as a team, Rachel supports her clients in designing and achieving goals born from their authentic spirits. 

Rachel hired her first Energy Leadership coach in 2013, who introduced her to Emotional Intelligence as a key trait of effective and regenerative leadership. This knowledge inspired an extensive exploration into the energetics of leading both self and others toward aligned futures. After four years of applying her leadership studies in the workplace, Rachel decided to exit her corporate career to embark on a journey helping other sensitive and creative souls uncover the self-propelled leader from within. 

Rachel’s greatest passion is cultivating intimate connection through ceremony. Connection between self and spirit, humanity and nature, and most of all, unconditionally loving and accepting connection between people. She believes the art of ceremony is one of the most potent ways to create a sacred space in which each soul feels seen, heard, and witnessed. A space in which to surrender to vulnerability and expression. After having developed a ceremonial practice over the past six years with cacao as her guide, Rachel is honored to spread this heart-opening medicine to the western world. To foster and nurture intimacy among those called to take the journey. To hold space as we drop from the busy and guarded head space into the raw and open heart space. 

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