Setting Healthy Boundaries

To someone who has never truly been held accountable for their behaviors and actions, boundaries feel like oppression. Therefore, opposition and defiance is a common reaction. We are witnessing these energetic imbalances on individual and collective levels.

Sending support to all seeking energetic equity in relationships. You are worthy. You are deserving of taking up space. Remember as you set calm, clear, loving boundaries, another's interpretation of your advocacy for self is not your responsibility. If they weren't raised with the existence of accountability, it is not your job to re-parent them.

May we see the strong capable being in each soul. May we speak to their highest selves. Trusting that somewhere within, they know their egos no longer benefit from the coddling and acquiescence. And may our collective boundaries build bridges to balance, regeneration, and a harmonious future for all.


If Butterflies Judged Caterpillars