Embracing the Diversity of Passion

Conflict with "another" is usually sparked by our ego's feeling that one or more of its identifications have been confronted or invalidated in some way. Which is normal. We are a species of individuals with a diversity of passions & interests. Together we comprise the whole, while simultaneously, our egos protect our individuality. When we focus on the harmonics of our varying skills, talents, and gifts weaving together a symbiotic tapestry of human capabilities, we perceive from more evolved realms of thinking and understanding. The levels of synergy. The blending away of the illusion of separation and the ability to see the whole in lieu of just its parts.

When we focus on the discord and judgment that arises when an ego identification feels threatened, we contract into protective modes where we lose sight of the bigger picture. It's important to access a sense of safety in such moments. To secure our footing and remind ourselves that we are safe. From a place of safety, we are empowered to choose. When the ego wants to battle, we may remind our nervous systems that we are not in a war zone. We are not in danger of attack by saber tooth tiger. We may thank our ancient DNA for the protective fight/flight reactions, which do serve a purpose, as we root into the safety of the present moment. May we navigate social media wisely, tuning our pitchforks to the calm cool collected harmonics available, while releasing and respectfully declining injurious discord & conflict. May we allow for lovely disagreements, which open the doors to curiosity, challenging us to understand ourselves deeper by exploring one another's views. May we remain open.


Feedback Loop Coaching Core Concepts


If Butterflies Judged Caterpillars