Feedback Loop Coaching Core Concepts

To me, the Feedback Loop is a psychological phenomenon. I am in awe of how busy our Feedback Loops have become, and of the potential we have as a species when we consciously choose how to fill and populate these Loops of information and thought. 

The Feedback Loop is essentially the hard drive of our psyche, along with all the open browsers. It’s already 90% full of past experience, and the remaining 10% gets clogged from overwhelm as we process new and current information. 

It’s always running, and by it’s very nature remains on autopilot, choosing our day-to-days for us. 

Common Feedback Loop occupants include (and are not limited to):

- Past Experiences

- Social Media

- Streaming Services

- Websites

- Emails

- Text Messages

- News/Radio/Commercials

- Environment/Location

- Neighbors/Coworkers

- Intimates (Family, Friends, Pets)

- Books/Magazines/Newspapers

- Education/Courses/Teachers

Even gaps in communication have the potential to create a variety of stories, which circulate within the Feedback Loop in ways that affect how we show up in the world. 

Whether or not these stories serve us is where our Core Concepts come in. 

As coaches, we do not judge the thoughts and streams of information circulating within an individual’s psyche. We understand the complexity of the mind, the intensity of the past, and we hold sacred the vulnerability and honesty required to become aware of our deeply engrained patterns and conditioning. 

And the most deeply engrained patterns are informed by neural pathways that have been firing in familiar directions since the day we were born. Pathways we’ve witnessed, and pathways that have been taught to us and instilled within us as normal. 

Because to us they have been so normalized and affirmed by cultural norms, we might not even be aware of them. We might not be aware of the way our Feedback Loops create the realities and results we are seeing. 

Which brings me to our first Core Concept: Awareness

Our style of coaching begins with Awareness. We are uniquely trained in holding space for another’s vulnerable psyche. We listen to understand where our clients are along their journeys, as well as to understand the stressors and blocks they are experiencing. We also have laser-sharp vision into the potential and greatness awaiting our clients on the other side of those blocks, so while we bring awareness to whichever Feedback Loop occupants are holding our clients back, we are also holding space for that spark of wisdom within to shine through. Because we are uniquely trained in hearing the four Inner Blocks that hold us back, we hear the specific stories and thought patterns upon which it’s time to shine the light of awarenesses.  

Once our clients are aware that these stories are circulating on Loop, we move to the Evaluation stage (our second Core Concept). We respect our clients’ autonomy, and we trust that they have the wisdom within to evaluate whether or not their stories are serving them. Our job as coaches is to hold the container of objectivity. As humans with beautiful and emotional hearts, attachment forms around our narratives and entanglements. It can be painful to clearly see and observe the patterns which no longer serve. We hold the space to remind our clients there is no right or wrong path, no right or wrong pattern. We all show up in the world the way we’ve been taught. And it’s all understandable. We also introduce tools, such as identifying the feelings and emotions that result from specific thought and stories, while reminding our clients that though some emotions FEEL good and some FEEL bad, they themselves are not good or bad. They are all simply available to use as we navigate the human experience. So our clients have the opportunity to evaluate from a safe and objective place, and discern which patterns serve, and which patterns are creating chaos and stagnation. 

From there, we move to our third Core Concept: Choice. It is our goal to empower our clients with conscious and objective choice. After painting a clear picture through awareness and evaluation, our clients are equipped with choice. Whether they choose to repeat or choose to change it up is completely up to them. We do not judge either way. We are simply here to offer choice and support them in next steps should they choose to create new patterns. New neural pathways. And over time, the new neural pathways become the autopilot. When enough of the Feedback Loops has experienced the alchemy of this process, the autopilot is set to serve and inspire. 


Travel & The Body:


Embracing the Diversity of Passion