If Butterflies Judged Caterpillars

Perhaps the most difficult and confrontational event during personal evolution and transformation is seeing the past through the eyes of the transforming self. 

The transforming self knows better now and has the opportunity to show up differently, thanks to the recently acquired set of knowledge and understanding. 

It’s natural to judge and shame the past self & all reflections of it. This stage doesn’t last forever though. It’s a growing pain. And transformation isn’t complete until we reconcile with those aspects we disown and reject. 

It may be helpful to remember, without deviation, there is no course-correction. And the course-correction is where the wisdom excavation occurs. How would we learn about ourselves, how would we grow, if we behaved and responded to every situational perfectly the first spin around the spiral? 

May we remain focused on the opportunity to show up differently in the Now. Now by Now, conscious choice by conscious choice, we weave new web of reality. One so full of hope and inspiration, the power of the past falls away, as all experience is valued. All karma held with love. 

“Forgiveness is for giving. So give yourself this gift from time to time.” ~ Luka Lesson


Embracing the Diversity of Passion


Setting Healthy Boundaries